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How to use
Adex Gel

Adex Gel is for generalised all-over application to the skin. Apply it three times daily or as often as needed.

How to apply Adex Gel

Gently smooth Adex Gel over and around all dry and/or inflamed skin areas. For best results, use a few gentle strokes to smooth the gel across the skin in the same direction as hair growth (like stroking a cat or dog). If necessary, allow time for any excess to soak in. Do not rub the skin vigorously.

Apply a sufficient amount so that the skin looks shiny and allow time for Adex Gel to soak in. Remember that exposed areas such as the face, neck and hands may need more frequent treatment.

When to apply Adex Gel

If you are using other topically applied products, any instructions supplied with the other product should be followed to allow adequate time for absorption before applying Adex Gel. The time allowed should normally be around 30 minutes for topical corticosteroids and up to 2 hours for certain calcineurin inhibitors. This is to avoid diluting the other product and spreading it to areas that do not need it.

GUIDANCE for duration of use

Carry on using Adex Gel for as long as necessary – whether that may be only occasionally, e.g. during flares, or continuously. If there is no improvement within 2 to 4 weeks, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Using Adex Gel even when the skin looks and feels 'normal', will help maintain the improvement and may help to increase the time between flare-ups, and may also help reduce the amount of topical steroids required.

General advice on using emollients to look after dry skin conditions

  • Emollients help soften, moisturise and protect the skin. They play a central role in the treatment and management of dry skin conditions. For maximum effect, they should be applied regularly, as often as needed and even when the skin appears normal.

  • When bathing, try to use warm, not hot, water and avoid staying in the bath for long periods. This could make dry skin conditions worse.

  • Some dry skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis are itchy, and can be quite sore. Although scratching relieves the itching for a short while, it further damages the skin. Badly scratched skin easily gets infected. This makes it itchier and the urge to scratch becomes even greater. It is better if scratching can be avoided by reducing the itching. The regular use of emollients or moisturisers can help with this.

  • Try to avoid using normal soaps or bath additives (even those labelled “moisturising”). This is because they tend to dry and irritate the skin.

  • If you have eczema, avoid using products containing fragrances, as these can also cause skin problems. You should try to use a fragrance-free emollient “soap substitute” instead. This type of product may not foam or lather very well but will be better for your dry skin condition.